Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Twilight Series

The Twilight Series is composed of (so far) three books. Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. The are about a teenage romance between a young girl named Bella Swan and her boyfriend Edward Cullen who is in fact a vampire. The story takes place in the gloomy town of Forks, Washignton. Bella is living with her father for the summer. Since it was only March when she arrived Bella had to finish the last few months of school. It was there that she met Edward Cullen. As you can assume its kind of hard for a human and a vampire to be in a relationship. Her life was constantly at risk and as the news of the new romance spread, unwanted enemies make an entrance into their lives. This fiction series is full of action and has a thrilling plot that intrigues both teens and adults. I love this series because it makes you believe in the mystical creatures that are only depicted in horror films. It's a story of love and devotion and also a fight to live. The author Stephenie Meyer has two more books coming out next year. Breaking Dawn and Midnight sun are the completion of the series.

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